Progress update: Endgame

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laptop-820274_640Endgame is coming along nicely, still on track for spring.  I’ve passed 60k words, now, which is probably around the halfway point, because it looks like this is going to be another long one.  There’s so much to wrap up in this book, so many things that need to happen!  Also, there’s a ton of new characters– some who will feature in the spinoff series that I will be working on when The E Series is complete.

My editor has been through the first few chapters and feedback so far is great, which is such a relief.  I always sweat it while waiting on that initial feedback!  Ah, the power an editor wields over us mortal writers.  :p

Anyway, that’s the lowdown.  Not a whole lot more to say at this point, but I’m still working as quickly as I can.

I hope life if treating all of you well!

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