Love this world – Fan Post by Erica

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I am absolutely in love with this series!  However, I have not read “Jason & Lily” because I haven’t decided if I actually want to know their backstory.  Is that weird?  I am afraid it will change how I feel about the characters I have grown to love, and I really like who Lily is now.  So I should refer to her as Eden then, right?  I don’t think you should allow your past to dictate your future, thus, I loved when the journal was damaged.  Honestly, I want Eden to return to Matt.  I know he is a semi evil overlord, but she seems to bring out the best in Matt, and his intentions seem true when it comes to Eden.  I don’t know that Jonas is as faithful to her.  Anyway, Kate, get writing!  I want to see where this goes!

What “E” Means To Me – A Fan Post by Danielle

posted in: Fan Posts | 2

I can’t say enough good things about this series. I can try, but any words I can use will not adequately convey just how good this series is.


Let me start off by saying I have recommended this series to EVERYONE. And I mean that; my mother, my boyfriend, my coworkers, my book club, my facebook friends, and even a random lady in the store. I read all four books in three days, stopping only long enough to work when I had no other choice, eat, and sleep. And even in my sleep I was dreaming about them. Seriously. I dream of finding a love like Lily and Jason have, I dream of fighting sentries and winning the war for freedom. I dream of Oscar, and finding him for Lily, bringing him back to Lily.


I can’t put my finger on what makes this so special to me. I have not felt this strongly about a book(s) in many, many years. I’ve read some amazing books, but nothing has evoked the feelings that have been brought out in me by Eden’s story. I feel like I’m in her head, I feel her pain, I feel her love, I feel her joy.


Kate, you’ve done an amazing job creating something that truly feels real. I’m not just reading a novel, I am fully immersed in a world that you’ve created with your words.


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating something so wonderful.