Wow. Where do I begin?
I just found out (thanks, Rae) that E is listed on Amazon’s new Kindle Unlimited program. So what exactly is that?
Check it out here: Kindle Unlimited
Basically, for $9.99 a month, you can read any book on the program for free. Amazon says there are 600,000+ titles to choose from. E is one of those. Is it worth it? I don’t know. You’d have to read a lot (some of you do). You make the call. Is the free one-month trial worth it? Heck yeah! It’s free!
So this is the part where I tell you to go check it out and download my book. Authors only get paid if you read 10% or more of the download, but I am pretty sure that if you start reading E you won’t want to stop. At least that’s what I’ve been told. So go on. I dare you.
Disclaimer: For my author friends… I am honestly still not sure how I feel about this program, and the above statements are not necessarily my approval! I’m still thinking about it. Right now, I don’t have enough information. All I know is, like it or not, my book is part of the program. I figure I’ll make the most of that, and see how things work out. And for my readers… that means that E might not be in this program past August 1st, when I have to make my decision whether or not to renew the KDP Select program. So best to get it now!
You can start reading right here for free, right now!
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