Endgame is LIVE!

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It’s release day for Endgame!

Woooohoooo!  I can’t believe we’ve finally come to the end of the series.  It’s been an awesome experience for me as an author and I am truly thankful for having had the opportunity to write it.  Now it’s on to the spinoff series for me, as well as a few other things.  I’ll be writing about those soon, so check out the blog to learn more.


Release party tonight on Facebook:

You’re invited!  8-12 pm Eastern.  Come hang out and celebrate!  Click here.



Endgame on Amazon  (Not sure why they don’t have the cover picture up.  Come on, Amazon!)

Endgame on Smashwords (epub)

Endgame on iTunes

Kobo (epub)

…Nook is still in the process of publishing it… so it should be available there… any… time….

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