Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year, Everyone!!!

Just a quick post to wish you all the best in the new year….

I have to say, 2014 was a good year for me, and I’m a little sad to see it go.  But the future is always an adventure.  I’m hoping to get a few more books out in 2015.  I’m currently at 75K words on the prequel, which, for those of you who don’t speak in word count, is around 3/4 done.  I’ve been zooming along with it, which is my excuse for neglecting everything else, blog included.  I absolutely admit to being the worst blogger in the world.  But hey, would you rather hear me ramble about writing, or get the next installment in the E series?  Yeah.  That’s what I thought.  Let’s face it.  Word count reports don’t really compare to semi-evil overlords.  Simple.  Fact.

So anyway… have an absolutely wonderful year.  May it be filled with friends and family, full of adventure tempered by quiet warm-and-fuzzy moments…. health, happiness, and dreams-come-true.  Happy New Year!  🙂

An awesome book for only 99 cents…

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The Dark Citadel

Just a quick one to let you know about a Countdown Deal on Jane Dougherty’s book, The Dark Citadel.  Jane and I became friends on Goodreads after I read a review of her book, and, being wholly impressed, decided I just had to read it.  Well, the review didn’t do it justice, as far as I’m concerned.  I absolutely loved this book.  It is entirely it’s own thing.  If you want, you can check out my review on Rock the Book.

Well, The Dark Citadel is 99¢ for a few days only.  I would encourage you all to give it a try.  It’s a beautiful blending of dark dystopian and classic fantasy.  Like me, Jane is an Indie author, and could definitely use all your love and support.  Grab your copy now if you think you’d like to give it a chance.  I really don’t think you will be disappointed!

Evolution is in print!

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I’ve been pretty bad about keeping up with the blog, but I’m still here.  Hopefully I will get back to more regular posting soon.  There’s just so much to do at this time of year, and I’m always on a time crunch anyway.

So the big news is… Evolution is now available in print.  It should be appearing on Amazon within the next few days.  You can get it now from CreateSpace for $7.99 plus shipping.

In writing news….  I know I said I was going to work on editing my other series in an attempt to try to have it ready for publication, but turns out I have been working on writing the prequel for the E series instead.  I’m a bit out of order, but I just felt like this was where I needed to be right now.  And I don’t really like to argue with my muse, so….

For those of you interested in the publishing industry, check out this very interesting blog post by my writer friend, Nicola S. Dorrington.

And that’s about it for now.  Hope you are all doing well and having a great holiday season!



Launch week updates

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Evolution is officially up and running!  Woohoo!

I just want to thank everyone who stopped by the Facebook Party last night.  I had a ton of fun talking with you all about my books.  And cats.  Strangely, we did a lot of talking about cats!  But I guess it was an internet party, and they say the internet is made of cats, so….

I also want to thank all the wonderful authors and bloggers who took the time to post or tweet about Evolution.  You all rock!

Reviews With A Twist

What Happened to the Wallflower?

The Writer’s Desk

Where Books Lead Us

On Writing and Riding

The YA Lit Chick

Jane Dougherty Writes

sandyreadsalot on Youtube

Comet Babe’s Books

Crazy for YA

The Writing Jellyfish

Write, Read, Sleep, Repeat

H. L. Burke, Author

Book Lover 2.0

Home Of A Book Lover

Lisa’s Djen Djen

Renee Shearer

Krysten Lindsay Hager

Elizabeth Davies

Angela McPherson

Mark Shaw


Now, on to the next thing!  I plan to start writing Book 3 today.  I LOVE starting a new book.  The initial writing phase is always the funnest.  Aside from that, I have a handful of reviews I need to type up and get scheduled on Rock the Book.  Not sure if I will get to them today, but I’m hoping.  There’s just not enough time in the world!





Announcing the release of Evolution (E #2)

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Evolution, the second book in the E series, is now available! Get Evolution and E for only 99¢ each during release week, November 12th-19th, 2014.


cover of Evolution by Kate WrathOutpost Three is still standing… barely. But the deadliest threat it has ever faced is on its way– a violent force that will annihilate every man, woman, and child.

With the Sentries under his control and Grey’s army defeated, Matt is more powerful than ever. Eden is little more than his prisoner, but that line is blurring as her affection for him grows. Now, as the Outpost faces total destruction, Matt must sacrifice the possibility of attaining Eden’s love in the vague hope that her past might hold the key to saving them all.

Eden’s journey will begin to unravel the mysteries of her previous life, reveal dangerous new questions, and change not only the future of Outpost Three, but shape the course of history.

This eagerly anticipated sequel to Kate Wrath’s E begins an epic quest into the dark, dystopian landscape of Eden’s world.
Add to GoodreadsBuy E $0.99Buy Evolution $0.99

Get both books in the E series, E and Evolution, for 99¢ each on Kindle for a limited time only: November 12th- 19th, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Connect with Kate:

Kate Wrath's WebsiteTwitterGoodreadsFacebook

Join Kate for the Evolution Release Day Facebook Party:

You’re invited! Come hang out November 12th from 8-12 pm Eastern and celebrate the release of Evolution. Woohoo!

An excerpt from Evolution:

We run down the narrow alley and take the first turn, then another. We keep running, moving. I don’t even notice my surroundings until, at last, we slow to a stop. The smell hits me first—the stench of piss, of something rotten, all condensed into a small space. Breathing hard, we stand in the street and look around us. We’re in a main thoroughfare now, judging from the traffic, but it’s still narrow. I feel squashed, smothered. On all sides, a crowd throngs around us. Most of them are dressed in rags. Hollow faces huddle three or four bodies deep against both edges of the road, dirty, hopeless, and lost. Many of them are children.

I’m scanning their faces frantically before I even realize what I’m doing. “Oscar,” I hear myself whisper. It hits me, and I break off before I can call out his name. Before I can start running again, sifting through the masses of them.

Apollon’s hand clamps onto mine, but he says nothing. He and Jonas are focused on Jacob, who is shaking violently. Tears are pouring from widened eyes down his face. I want to help him, but all I can do is stand here trying not to break down, myself.

“We need to find somewhere to regroup,” Jonas says quietly. “Get out of this mess.”

I cast around for somewhere to go, but as far as I can see, it’s piles upon piles. People, and people, and buildings looming over them. There’s no breathing room. No space. I have to force my breath to steadiness. It’s too much.

There is a commotion on the street ahead, maybe a block away. The ragged masses push away from the center, squashing and trampling each other in the process. We’re caught in a wave of motion and carried backward, but still we try to look. Where the commotion started, there’s a group of figures, similarly dressed in black with blue bandanas. They’re moving down the street toward us.

The wave of people suddenly backlashes from the other direction, and we’re pushed the opposite way from before. We manage to finally see why. On our opposite side, there’s another group of people. These are dressed primarily in white. One of them, clearly a leader, wears a purple doo rag and carries what might be the biggest gun I’ve ever seen. He raises it toward us.