Reviews and Reviewers

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A couple of things:

First, I wanted to share these two new reviews that just came in on Amazon.

4 star review

5 star review

Every single time I read a review from one of my readers, I am filled with gratitude that someone took the time to let me know what they thought of my book.  A big thank you to all of you who have taken the time to review, or drop me an email, or both.  You are the ones who remind me that I am not just shouting into the void.  That I’m not just writing for myself.  That people are out there, connecting with what I do, and that E has become more than just my story.  It belongs to all of us.

So far, every single piece of feedback I have received about E has been positive. If there are people out there who have read and not liked E, they have not bothered to let me know.  Now, I know that I can’t expect everyone to love my book.  That’s not realistic.  Eventually, someone will just hate it, for whatever reason.  (I suspect it will have something to do with rats or discount sausage.)  But right now, my track record is looking pretty good.  The only thing is… as a new author… as a new Indie author, especially… not many people know about my book.

So the thing, of course, is to work on getting it out there.  I am considering doing a little paid advertising, for the first time.  I hear from other Indie authors that this can yield mixed results.  Everything I put into this comes out of my own pocket, and let’s just say I have bills to pay and mouths to feed, like the rest of you.  Before I invest in advertising, I would like to have as many reviews up as possible.  So this is where I ask:  If you have read E, and you haven’t yet reviewed it, would you please take the time to do so?  It would be greatly appreciated.

And if you would like to do more beyond that, check out this page:  Help Kate Out!  I’m just going to go ahead and say thank you now.  Thank you, all of you, who have done so much to help E find its place in the world.  🙂


And if you haven’t read it yet, you can read a preview below.


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